Monday 22 April 2013

Beth Michele - Birthday bash interview


Beth Michele is a wife, a mom, an author,  and a lover of all things chocolate, well, anything sweet really.  While stuffing chocolate in her face, she enjoys reading young adult and  new adult novels furiously, and spending time with her husband and two adorable  children who keep her on her peppermint pink painted toes.  Those same children who inspire her to tell silly stories that cause  hysterical giggles to tumble from their

Beth loves to laugh and loves to have a  good cry, especially after reading a novel that stretches her soul, one that  makes her feel, and lingers in the corner of her beating

Beth began writing when she was in middle   school, penning anything from short stories, to poetry, and then later moved on  to write children’s books.  Her
debut novel, Love Love is due out May 8,  2013.

Sweat  is clinging to my palms, my pulse visibly racing through my heated skin. I’m  having a hard time controlling my breathing as the elevator ascends to the  twenty seventh floor. So much for the time I spent  in yoga class. I wring my hands out repeatedly and slowly count to ten. When I   finally get to ten the elevator pings. Steadying my wobbly legs and wiping the moisture trickling down my forehead, I head down the hall to apartment 27-F,  attempting one last deep, calming breath before I ring the doorbell. In less
  than a second, I see Dane standing there and freeze. I’ve obviously never  walked through a door before, because when he opens it, the feet that I so  often rely on have no idea what to do. I look down at my awkwardness   telepathically expecting a response, and wait. Still nothing, so I look up. My eyes sweep the length of his body. The natural inclination would be to stare into his green emeralds, but it’s impossible not to move lower, a lot lower. I  can almost trace a line through the bunched cream fabric of his pants. Is it even real? It should be illegal to walk around with that thing. Dane’s lips
  part, forming a perfect o, for orgasm, I believe. The one I’m about to have all  over his brand new hardwood floors.

 His  lips curve up in a mouth watering smile. “See anything you

 My  blue eyes manage to crawl back up to his. “Nah, not really.”

 His  lips twitch, while the green in his eyes sparkle. “So, shall we

 That’s not exactly what I had in mind.




We are so exited to have the opportunity of interviewing the lovely Beth. Thank you for joining us

 Thank you for having me!  I'm very excited to be here!

What/who inspired you to start writing?
I've been writing for a long  time.  It's just something I've always loved to do, but I would definitely  say that my husband and my children have inspired me.  My husband is a
writer also, and he helped me to see that while I didn't consider myself "a  writer," I actually was one.  My children have inspired me since the day  they were born to tell stories, and finally one day I started writing them  down.  There's nothing better than hearing them giggle and seeing them  smile.

What is your favourite part of a book?
Hmmm....there are many, but I think  for me, it's the moment the angst or whatever is holding the characters back  from coming together, finally dissintegrates.  I'm also a huge fan of  happily ever afters, and I love playful, flirty banter.

When naming your charcters, do you give any thought to the actual  meaning?
That's an interesting question.  I don't necessarily think  about meaning, just try to come up with cool and different names.

Would you ever write a different genre?
I don't want to say never, but I  absolutely LOVE romance, so I will definitely be writing these books for a long  time to come!  However, I've written some children's books I will be  publishing in the not too distant future as well.

What advice would you give inspiring writers? Same advice as Nike  gives...JUST DO IT!  If you want to write, sit down and write.  When  inspiration hits, write...Something pops in your head...write...and don't  stop!  Don't let anyone sway you from your passion.

What made you come up with your book titles? I was trying to come up with  something different, and given the nature of my story, Love Love fit.  It's  also a play on words, which I like.

Who is your favourite character from your books and why? Brad is my  favorite character.  Why?  Because he's quirky, and funny, and least in my head he is...LOL

If you could work with any fellow author who would it be and why? This is  a tough question, because there are so many who inspire me.  If I HAD to  pick one, I would say Colleen Hoover because I think she is simply  brilliant.

Who are your top five authors/books
I'm bucking the system and putting  eight!  :)

 Colleen Hoover -- Hopeless/Slammed
J.A. Redmerski -- The Edge of  Never
Wait For You -- J. Lynn
Jessica Park -- Flat Out Love
Cheryl  McIntyre -- Sometimes Never
Tammara Webber -- Easy
Jamie McGuire --  Beautiful Disaster
Abbi Glines -- Fallen Too Far

Thank you for taking part.


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